Fourth of July: How to Calm Dogs During Fireworks

Once July rolls around, do you find yourself wondering how to calm dogs during fireworks? Is your pup constantly in fear once the Fourth of July celebrations start? You’re not alone.

About 60% of dogs show fear or some signs of external distress when they hear fireworks. Many pet owners often are dealing with the same worries you are around this time of year. To calm your dog during firework season, try playing with them before the fireworks start, creating distractions once the fireworks begin, creating a safe place, remaining calm yourself, and distracting them with treats! 

How to Calm Dogs During Fireworks

Play Earlier In the Day

Your dog might deal with loud fireworks easier if they exert a lot of energy earlier in the day, before the fireworks start. Try taking them for a walk, taking them to doggy day care, or playing with them at home to help them wear themselves out.

Then, when it gets later in the day and the fireworks start, they might have an easier time sleeping through everything because they’re so exhausted! 

Create Distractions

Creating distractions and eliminating the sound of fireworks as much as you can will also greatly help calm your pup down during the Fourth of July. Start by closing all of your curtains or windows to drown out both the appearance and the sound of fireworks as much as possible. 

You should do this before the fireworks begin. It will also help to drown out the noise by putting your TV on, using a white noise machine, or even turning on indoor fans. Anything to help your dog from hearing all of the fireworks, or at least dulling the sound of them!

Create a Safe Place

If you are home with your dog when the fireworks begin, ensure that they feel comfortable. Since you’re home, they might want to be near you at all times, so cuddle with them when they feel a bit too stressed.

It might also help to create a safe place where they can run off to when things get to be a bit too much. Some dogs like to go into their crates, or something that seems to completely cover them. Make sure they have a nice dog bed and a few of their favorite blankets or toys in there. 

If you won’t be with your pup throughout the night, then ensuring they have a safe place to calm themselves is essential!

Remain Calm

Dogs feed off of your own energy. So, if you’re stressed because they’re stressed, then they might just become even more anxious. Try to stay as calm as possible.

Don’t yell at your dog or punish them during this time, either. They’re fearful of the fireworks, and if you yell at them, this won’t accomplish anything. It will just make them more anxious! 

Distract With Treats

We’ve already talked about creating distractions with noise. It may also help to distract your pup with treats, games, or treat puzzles. Play with them with their favorite toy. Try to get their mind off of the fireworks in any way that you can! 

Why are dogs scared of fireworks?

Dogs are scared of fireworks due to their loud noises, bright flashes, and unfamiliar sensations. The sudden explosions startle them, causing anxiety. Dogs have sensitive senses, so the loud sounds and bright lights are overwhelming. The strong smell of fireworks adds to their unease. Negative past experiences can also contribute to their fear. Providing a safe and comforting environment during fireworks displays is crucial, using strategies like creating a quiet space and using calming techniques. Professional advice may be sought if needed.

Prepare For the Fourth of July

To have a successful Fourth of July where your dog is calm, start by planning ahead. Don’t wait till the last minute! Think now about how to calm dogs during fireworks — and what you can do to help your dog out. Plan any activities ahead of time!

If you’re looking for ways to help your dog exert as much energy as possible before the fireworks begin, we can help. Our doggy day care is a great option for your pup! We take care of any pet as if they were our own. Get more information and make a reservation here!

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