Dog Harness vs Collar: Which to Choose For Your Pup

Picture of Roy Cobb

Roy Cobb

3rd Generation Owner, Tarheel Total Pet Care

The dog harness vs collar debate is always changing, with some owners claiming harnesses are the way to go while others will never sway from a collar. Both harnesses and collars have their pros and cons. Both are great options for walking your dog.

However, some dogs will benefit from using a harness, others from using a collar. Keep reading to find the best option for your pup!

Do harnesses teach dogs to pull?

No! Harnesses do not teach dogs to pull. You can still accurately train your dog to walk with a harness, just as you can with a collar. 

Dog Harness vs Collar

Both dog harnesses and dog collars are great options for your dog. One is not necessarily better than the other. However, depending on how your dog acts, walks, and what their health is like, you will be able to find a better alternative for them here. If your pup has no issues when you walk them with their current method, then there’s no need to change it. If you feel that your dog isn’t working with a harness or collar, this article can help!

Dogs That Benefit From Collars

Collars have long been the go-to option for dog owners for all breeds. If your dog walks by your side and doesn’t pull you around when you go for a walk, then collars will remain great options for your pup. You can also train your dog with a collar, as using a collar on walks tends to give you more control over your dog, especially with stronger or larger breeds.

Using a collar is also an easy solution for you. Collars come in all sizes and types, so finding one that will accurately fit your dog isn’t hard. Plus, they’re comfortable for dogs to wear when put on correctly, so you don’t have to worry about taking it off. 

When it comes to training your dog on a walk, collars will likely remain the go-to option for owners and trainers alike. However, if your dog is having multiple issues using a collar, it might be time to look at harnesses. 

Dogs That Benefit From Harnesses

If your dog is always pulling on their leash, converting to using a harness could help them from experiencing throat problems in the future. If your dog coughs because of the strain they’re putting on the leash, then using a harness is definitely the way to go. You want to keep your dog free from harming themselves in their excitement!

Harnesses are also better options for dogs that easily slip out of their collars because of their head and throat size. Plus, a dog with any type of respiratory problem — and some breeds are born with them — will always do better with a harness rather than a collar.

While most people train their dog to walk with a collar and leash, you can still train your puppy with a harness. However, you don’t have as much control over larger and stronger dogs when using a harness. If your dog can easily pull you when using a collar, then they’ll surely be better at pulling you along with a harness. Take this into consideration in the dog harness vs collar debate! 

Train Your Dogs For Better Walks With a Collar or Harness

To make your dog’s life — and your life — easier, training them to be able to go on a walk without pulling you along is a great option. This can help them from harming their throat by pulling, thereby improving their health! We can help train your dog in no time. Get more information and make your reservation here!

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