5 Fun Dog Activities to Do This Summer

Picture of Roy Cobb

Roy Cobb

3rd Generation Owner, Tarheel Total Pet Care

This summer, let everyone in your household enjoy the sunshine by preparing fun dog activities you can do with your pup! After the last year everyone has had, enjoying the sunshine with your pet is a great way to really make this summer one to remember. And with these 5 activities listed below, we’re sure you will!

5 Fun Dog Activities To Do This Summer

Regardless of what you do this summer, it’s always important to keep your dog hydrated. Always bring enough water for you and your dog, wherever you go. And keep your pup cool! Try to limit all physical activities to when it’s the coolest — the morning or the evening. 

How can I exercise my dogs in the summer?

Take your dogs on walks in the early morning or evening before it gets too hot. You don’t them to burn their paws on the ground! If it’s too hot, you can always exercise them with brain games in your home! 

Dogs can overheat very quickly in the summer, so always ensure this doesn’t even come close to happening! Keep your dog safe this summer — but also have fun with your best friend! And with these 5 activities, you’ll have a wonderful summer.

1. Go For a Swim

Does your dog enjoy swimming around with you? Make a day of it. Take your pup to a dog-friendly beach to relax and enjoy the waves. If you have a pool, spend some time with them relaxing under the sun. Any lakes or rivers you personally enjoy may also be a treat for your pup. 

If your dog doesn’t like to swim, they might still enjoy a trip to the beach… they’ll just prefer steering clear of jumping into the water. As long as they’re spending time with you, they’ll be happy.

2. Play With Sprinklers

If you can’t take your dog on a little trip but still want them to have fun with water this summer, try playing with sprinklers in your yard. Play fetch while the sprinklers are on, or have your dog run with you through the water. This is such a fun activity to do, especially if you have younger kids who want to join in on the fun!

3. Go to Dog-Friendly Events

Sometimes, all your dog wants is to be by your side. You don’t have to do anything too crazy! Instead, take your pup with you to dog-friendly events, such as restaurant patios. Taking your dog with you to an outdoor farmer’s market can also be enjoyable! 

4. Go For Morning Walks or Hikes

Exercise is always a good idea for dogs. Morning walks are fun dog activities to do. New hikes can also keep your dog entertained and steer them away from boredom. Just keep these activities to the morning or evening when it’s not too hot!

5. Make New Dog Friends

Finally, your dog will have their best summer ever if they get to enjoy it with new friends. Orchestrate play dates with other dogs to keep your pup well socialized. Go to dog parks in the week to meet new friends. You can also take your dog to doggy day care to help them have fun in a safe, air-conditioned play area! 

Sign Your Dog Up For Doggy Day Care

Doggy day care is a wonderful way to let your dog have a lot of fun this summer and meet new friends. Sign them up today! Get more information and make your reservation here.

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