How to Help Your Dogs and Cats Get Along

Picture of Roy Cobb

Roy Cobb

3rd Generation Owner, Tarheel Total Pet Care

While you may feel like the situation is hopeless, there are many ways you can help your dogs and cats get along. So many believe that these two animals just naturally hate each other. But that actually isn’t the case! With enough time and patience, you can help all the pets in your home get along seamlessly!

How long does it take for a cat to get used to a dog?

While every situation varies, it can take as little as a few weeks to as much as a few months for a cat to get used to living with a dog. Giving all animals involved patience to get to know one another is key.

3 Ways to Help Your Dogs and Cats Get Along

If you’ve just adopted a new pet and you’re struggling in getting them to get along with your other household pets, we can help. Sometimes, it takes a bit for dogs and cats to get along. However, cats and dogs aren’t natural enemies — and more than 80% of owners have said that both of their animals get along with each other fine. With these tips below, you can also say that your animals get along just fine!

1. Ensure Your Dog Knows Basic Commands

This is a big one. Often, if a dog has never seen a cat before, they can charge at cats or bark away. If your dog knows basic commands such as “stay” and “no”, you can help diffuse tense situations from getting out of hand. Introducing your dogs and cats can be a long process, so ensuring your dog knows these basic commands before they first meet their new housemate can go a long way in helping the animals get along.

2. Help Them Bond With Treats

Any time your animals get along even in the smallest of ways, give them a treat or praise them so they know they’re doing something you like. You should also help your pets bond in whatever way you can. Do you have two very energetic, very playful animals? Initiate a play session when they’re somewhat more comfortable with each other and see if this helps the animals bond.

If you have a lazy cat and dog, do the opposite. Help your dogs and cats get along by cuddling up and watching a movie with you, with the animals slightly apart so they don’t annoy each other too much. Find an activity the two animals both like and do it until they don’t mind being in each other’s presence! 

3. Let Your Animals Live Their Own Lives

Don’t force your pets to get along immediately. Instead, have patience. Make sure your cat has their own area they can go off to be alone in and destress, when needed. They probably won’t want to be around your dog all day, even if they are slowly getting used to them.

The same goes for your dog. Allow them to continue living their life as they like. Taking your dog out for walks and exercising them can also help tire them out and potentially lower their aggression towards your cat over time! 

Train Your Pup Today

Looking to train your dog and help ease tensions between your pup and cat at home? With our training services, we can help! Get more information and make your reservation here.

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