How to Stop Your Dog Jumping Up On You

Many dog owners eventually reach a point when they realize they have to stop their dog jumping up on people whenever someone walks through the door. This is especially true for owners with big dog breeds. 

While we all love our dogs and encourage their happiness and excitement, training your pup to stay on the ground when someone walks into your home is often necessary. Below, we explain the easiest ways to train your dog to happily greet a visitor, yet with all four paws on the ground.

Is it bad to let your dog jump on you?

While it can be fun to let your dog jump on you, this could encourage behavior that allows your dog to do this to anyone. To keep people comfortable and safe, especially if you have a big dog, it’s always helpful to teach them to not jump on everyone!

Why Dogs Jump Up On You

Dogs enjoy jumping up on you — and any visitor they like — because they believe they’re getting a reward by doing so. If you or others ever give them the attention and love they’re looking for when they jump up on you, this reinforces this behavior. Often, even if you try to gently push your pup away, they’ll still think this is a positive reward, as you’re still giving them your attention. 

How to Stop Your Dog Jumping Up On You

When trying to stop your dog from jumping up on you in greeting, it’s often best to give your dog an alternative to their current action. For example, tell them to sit or lay down every time someone walks in, helping them create a habit. This tends to work best for dogs, as it’s easier for them to learn something new rather than stop doing an action.

Many owners believe that simply ignoring your dog when they jump up on you can help nip this behavior in the bud. While this may happen, it will likely take a long time for your pup to learn that they won’t get attention from you. Plus, will your visitors not give your dog attention when they jump up? 

Therefore, we’re big believers in teaching your dog to do something else when guests arrive at your house, as it’s easier for both you and your dog. If you feel your dog isn’t sitting or laying down during visits because of their excitement, try placing treats on the ground each time someone new visits to direct their energy elsewhere! Stay positive and remember that teaching your dog anything takes time!

Learn How We Can Help Train Your Dog Today

Now that you know how to stop your dog from jumping up on you, it’s time to put these methods into action. Once your dog learns to stop jumping up on visitors, you can sit back, relax, and never stress about this problem again! 

Don’t have the time to train your dog? We completely understand — and we can help! Our professional trainers can teach your dog how to stop jumping up on people in no time. We take care of your pet with compassion and care. Get more information and make your reservation here.

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