5 Winter Care Tips For Dogs

Picture of Roy Cobb

Roy Cobb

3rd Generation Owner, Tarheel Total Pet Care

As the weather outside gets colder, there are a few winter care for dogs tips that every pet owner should know! Obviously, your dog needs to go outside multiple times during the day, even when it’s freezing outside. To keep your dog healthy, free from frostbite, and happy as can be, follow these main tips.

Is it okay to leave your dog outside in the winter?

A: While some thick coated dog breeds, such as Huskies, can withstand cold temperatures, many dogs can quickly grow cold when outside for long periods of time in the winter. No dog should be outside for too long when its cold, as they can experience hypothermia and frostbite very quickly. 

5 Winter Care For Dog Tips

1. Check Their Paws

Keep an eye on your dog’s paws this winter. Ice buildup can occur between the pads of your pup’s paws, which can then cause discomfort and pain. Every time your dog comes in, wipe their paws off to stay on top of this situation before it ever becomes an actual issue.

2. Only Go For Walks When the Sun Is Out

While there are great ways to keep your dog physically active while still indoors, a nice walk is still a great way to keep your dog active and happy. You can still walk your dog in the winter, though you should always follow good winter care for dog tips! 

Only walk in the cold months when the sun is out to keep your dog warm. Investing in dog booties to keep their paws warm may also help. Keep an eye on your dog. If they’re shaking from the cold, put sweaters on them to keep them warm. Remember that even their ears can get frostbite, so always limit the time they spend outdoors. 

3. Keep Your Pup Hydrated

Dogs can become dehydrated in the winter, just as they can in the summer! Always keep an eye on your dog’s water intake to ensure they are staying hydrated and healthy. Adding a water fountain to your house could help your dog drink more if you realize they’re not drinking enough.

4. Keep Your Dog Groomed

A well groomed dog is always a happy and healthy dog. Groom your dog to ensure that their coat is ready for the winter — and ready to keep them warm. 

5. Help Your Dog Stay Warm Indoors

Your dog can still get cold when they’re indoors. Sleeping on hardwood or tile floors can sometimes be too cold for your pup. Invest in a bed — a raised pet bed, if possible — or give your pet enough blankets to sleep on if they prefer to sleep on the floor. 

Heaters in your house should also be watched, as dogs could potentially harm themselves in their quest to get warm. Avoid using space heaters — or always keep an eye on your pup when they are in use. 

Keep Your Dogs Healthy This Winter

Keeping your dog healthy and happy this winter doesn’t have to be hard. We can help make your job just a little bit easier! With our grooming services, we can easily ensure that your dog’s coat is ready for winter, as well as check their paws to make sure they are in the best health. Interesting in learning more and making an appointment? Get more information and make your reservation here.

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