Dog Care Tips: 4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy

When it comes to owning a dog, there are 4 simple ways to keep your dog healthy! Improve your dog’s life with these tips below, all of which are simple actions to take and easy steps to follow. 

4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy

Steer Clear of Table Scraps

While it might be incredibly hard to turn down those puppy eyes, steer clear of table scraps. A little bit of human food every now and then might be okay, but there are so many food items that dogs don’t digest well. So it’s always best to stop feeding table scraps as much as possible.

Instead, give your pup healthy treats as an alternative! While you’re eating dinner, give them some healthy treats so they get something a little special! 

Stay Up to Date on Paperwork and Health Visits

One of the most important things you can do for your pup is stay organized on their behalf. Stay up to date on regular, scheduled vet visits to always be aware of their health. Keep regular grooming visits, too, to keep them nice and clean. 

Ensuring their microchip information is up to date is also incredibly important, and often forgotten. Make sure all your information in the microchip database is correct! 

Keep an Eye on Their Teeth

The health of your pup’s teeth is very important, so it’s always necessary to keep an eye on them. Regular dental cleanings always go a long way. To keep your dog’s teeth nice and fresh, try giving them dental chews or treats! 

Encourage Daily Mental and Physical Activity

A happy dog is a dog that gets enough mental and physical activity daily. Dogs can become bored, sad, depressed, or destructive if they don’t get either. So, ensure that you’re helping your dog in this area!

Daily walks are the best way to accomplish this physical activity goal, whereas playing with toys or treat puzzles can help stimulate your pup mentally! 

How much physical activity does a dog need?

While this often depends on a dog’s breed, most dogs need anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours of physical activity a day! 

Schedule Daily Walks Today

With this list of 4 simple ways to keep your dog healthy, you can greatly improve your pup’s life! Keep your dog as happy as can be with daily walks! It can be difficult to keep at this, of course. 

Try setting up a reminder on your phone, or creating a schedule that best fits your own life, to ensure that you’re reminded in some way when you should walk your pup. Then, as daily walks become part of your own habit, it will be easier to remember!

Need a little assistance with these walks? With our own dog walking services, we’re here to help! We take care of your pet with compassion and care. Get more information and make your reservation here.

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