You may find yourself wondering how to keep your dog warm in winter when the temperatures drop — especially if you have a dog that loves the cold weather and snow! So, if your dog is always looking to be outside having fun in the cold days of winter, what can you do to keep...

Every pet owner knows that learning how to keep your house clean with pets feels like an ongoing task. You never quite master a cleaning game plan. Pets always keep you on your toes… and always are ready to cause a bit of a mess! Are you wondering how to keep your house clean with pets?...

If you’re traveling for the holidays this winter, it’s always helpful to know how to keep dogs calm during holiday visits. You and your pup both want to have fun. Having a peaceful visit with no problems can help increase that fun! So, are you looking for ways to easily keep dogs calm during holiday...

What motivates your dog? Every dog is different — so every dog will be motivated in different ways. It’s important to know what motivates your dog, as this can help you when you’re trying to train them. For example, if they love treats and food, you can use treats when training them. However, if your dog...

Are you looking for tips on how to relax with your dog after a long, stressful day? We can help. We’ve already discussed ways to help your dog relax and calm down for the night — but now let’s talk about how you and your dog can relax together.  There are many ways you and...

As you raise your new pet, there are a few things you shouldn’t do with a puppy that are worth mentioning. While it can be stressful to raise and train a puppy, you should always be sure you’re never hindering your puppy’s training and confidence.  Therefore, you should never be negative while training, never give...