How to Keep Your House Clean With Pets

Every pet owner knows that learning how to keep your house clean with pets feels like an ongoing task. You never quite master a cleaning game plan. Pets always keep you on your toes… and always are ready to cause a bit of a mess! Are you wondering how to keep your house clean with pets?

To easily keep your house clean with pets, vacuum, and mop floors weekly. Find a schedule to clean all of your bedding — yours, your pets’, etc — regularly and stick to it. You should also always deep clean both litter boxes and crates. Finally, invest in great air fresheners! 

How often should I vacuum with pets?

It’s recommended that you vacuum your entire home at least one to two times a week if you have pets. Dogs and cats can shed hair easily. Vacuuming once or twice every week can help keep pet hair at bay! 

How to Keep Your House Clean With Pets

Vacuum Regularly

Every pet owner knows the perils of pet shedding. Even if your dog doesn’t shed that much, pet hair can still quickly find its way into all corners of a home! 

So, if you’re wondering how to keep your house clean with pets, you should first start by finding a vacuuming schedule that works for you and sticking to it. Find once or twice a week when you take the time to vacuum your entire home. 

Clean All Bedding Often

It is also recommended that you clean all of the bedding in your house often. Your bedding and all of your pet’s bedding should be cleaned at least once a week, or once every two weeks. 

Pet smells can easily find a home in bedding. So, keeping bedding clean is the best way to keep a clean house! 

If you suffer from pet allergies, definitely clean all your bedding once a week to help keep some of your symptoms from getting out of control! 

Always Clean Litter Boxes

When discussing how to keep your house clean with pets, most people realize that they must clean their cat’s litter boxes daily. Keeping a regular, daily schedule for this is important. 

A clean litter box doesn’t just keep your home clean and free from cat smells. It also helps keep your cat happy! 

However, we should also note that regular litter box cleanings aren’t all you should do. You should also take the time to regularly deep clean your cat’s litter boxes. Deep cleaning every ounce of a litter box is the best way to eliminate bad smells! 

Deep cleaning should be done at least every other week or monthly, depending on how many cats you have! 

Deep Clean Crates

If your dog spends a lot of time in their crate, regular deep cleanings should also be done — especially if you have a puppy that spends time there! Puppies are notoriously messy, as we all know. So, dirt and smells could build up in their crate. 

Crates should be easily cleaned every week. When you wash your pet’s bedding, this could be a good time to wipe down your dog’s crate quickly. Deep cleanings can be saved for every other week or every month. 

If you regularly clean your dog’s crate every week, you likely won’t have to deep clean the crate that often! 

Regularly Mop Floors

When thinking about how to keep your house clean with pets, you likely know you have to regularly mop your floors. Much as you have to regularly vacuum your entire house, also mop and clean all of your floors weekly! 

On average, this can be done once a week. However, if you have a lot of pets — or a puppy — then you may find that more frequent mop cleanings are needed. 

Having an easy-to-use mop, such as a Swiffer, is a great tool to use for little cleanups throughout the week! 

Invest in High-Quality Air Fresheners

Even if you keep your house as clean as possible, pets naturally seem to bring in various smells — and these smells aren’t often what you want in a home. 

Obviously, keeping your house clean is the first step to eliminating these pet smells. But it may also help set your mind at ease to invest in a good, high-quality air freshener that is pet friendly! 

Whether you plug this freshener into the wall or you use a spray throughout the house daily, air fresheners are great to keep your home naturally smelling great with pets! 

Train Your Pets 

Finally, if you’re wondering about how to keep your house clean with pets, the best thing you can do is train your pets. Obviously, pets will always bring about a bit of mess, regardless of how well-trained they are. They are animals, after all. This is expected! 

But we all also know how puppies can be — and they can cause a lot of mess and destruction that keeps your home far from clean. So, training your pets in basic commands and how not to cause destruction and mess is one of the best ways to keep your house as clean as possible! 

For example, training them to not roll around in mud outside is a great way to keep mud from ending up all over your house. Training them to learn what “stop” and “no” means can keep them from causing messes inside, too! 

Let Your Dog Help You Keep Your House Clean

Dogs will be dogs. Cats will be cats. They’ll naturally make your house a little dirty, resulting in you having to regularly keep it clean. This is expected — and it’s okay! 

However, let your dog help you keep your house clean by providing your pup with some training! Our training services can help your dog learn how to be on their best behavior! Get more information here

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