How to Clean a House For Someone With Dog Allergies

Over the summer holidays, you might have a few guests coming to stay with you — so you may be wondering how to clean a house for someone with dog allergies. Obviously, everybody is different in how their allergies affect them. 

Someone with severe dog allergies should not stay in a home with dogs but consider making other arrangements. Those with slight dog allergies can stay in a home with dogs if they’re comfortable. You can clean a house for someone with dog allergies by:

  • grooming your dog
  • circulating the air in your home 
  • dusting and vacuuming
  • keeping your pup out of your guest’s room

Keep reading this guide, for details on all of these steps! 

How to Clean a House For Someone With Dog Allergies

Groom Your Dog

Before your guest arrives, you should definitely groom your dog. If not done professionally, you should bathe and brush your dog out well. This can help keep dandruff and their hair from becoming too much of a nuisance when your guest is here. 

Many allergies come from a dog’s skin or hair. So, grooming your dog can help eliminate some of these issues! 

Circulate Air

When your guest is staying with you, it can help to ensure that the air in your home is always circulating. You can easily do this by turning on your air conditioning. If you have an air purifier, this can also keep allergies at bay for your guest! 

Dust Everything

About a day or two before your guests arrives, you should definitely deep clean your house — and dust everything in sight. Don’t wait until the last minute to do this, as you don’t want all those dust (and dog) particles floating in the air.

Therefore, do this task at least a day or two before your guest’s arrival to ensure that everything is clean for them!

Vacuum Before and During Visit

During your deep cleaning before your guest’s arrival, you should also definitely vacuum your entire home. Make sure you get the spots that you may miss during regular cleanings. 

You’ll also want to vacuum when your guest is there staying with you. It might help to vacuum once every other day, or once every three days, depending on how much your dog may shed. Remember, allergies often reside in your dog’s skin and fur! 

Keep Dog Out of Guest Room

Once you are done cleaning the room your guest will be staying in, keep your dog out of the room. After your guest has arrived and is staying with you, also keep your pup away from the room. Make sure your guest has one area of your home where your dog will not be to help them with their allergies! 

Q: Where does pet dander collect?

A: People can be allergic to a pet’s dander, which can easily collect in bedding, furniture, clothing, carpets, rugs, and dust. 

Preparing Your Dog For a Guest

Now, it’s time to prepare for any guests with dog allergies that may be staying with you in the future. With this list on how to clean a house for someone with dog allergies, you can help make their stay a little easier! 

Even if your guest isn’t arriving for a while, you can start preparing now. First, ensure they remember that you have a dog — and that they’re okay with staying with you and your pup. Let them know that you’re taking extra steps to make their stay easier! 

Then, you should start preparing your dog for your guest with a grooming session. We can help! We take care of your pup with compassion and care. Get more information about our grooming services and make a reservation here

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