How to Protect Your Lawn From Your Dog

As summer arrives, it’s common to question how to protect your lawn from your dog. While dogs don’t know any better, they can often be great destroyers of lawns — and it can be quite difficult to keep them from doing this. But with these tips below, you’ll be able to have a lovely yard this summer!

How to Protect Your Lawn From Your Dog

Create a Designated Pee Spot

Even if your dog isn’t the destructive type, they can still unwittingly destroy your lawn just by going outside to do their business. If you’ve owned dogs for a while, you know that dog’s pee can ruin grass — and thereby quickly ruin the appearance of your lawn.

To keep this from happening, fence off a designated pee spot for your dog. Sometimes, this can be a main area where they can do their business right after being left outside. Putting up a little gated area will do wonders. Just ensure you give your pup enough space! 

Create Digging Spots

Wondering how to project your lawn from your dog that loves to dig? We’ve been there. Instead of trying to keep your dog from digging up everything in your yard, try to divert their attention by giving them things to dig elsewhere.

This could be in their little gated section that we discussed above. Give them piles of dirt or other forms of entertainment to really let loose and have fun with. After all, they enjoy digging. Puppies especially love chewing things up, digging, and causing chaos. So, give them a safe option away from your plants and the rest of your yard!

Fence Off Garden

If you have a specific area where you keep all your plants, it’s probably best to fence it off, especially if this is the only area that has any fencing in your yard. There’s quite a lot of wonderful dog-proof fencing options online that you can choose from!

Fence Off Other Areas

If you have a yard that has a lot going on — we’re talking a garden, a pool, a kids play area, etc — and your dog is a menace throughout, it might be best to try to fence off other areas if needed. Obviously, you need to give your dog enough room to happily roam free and have fun.

However, you can fence off the other areas where your dog may be making too much of a mess, or being too destructive! 

Keep Up With Your Lawn Care

If you’re striving to keep the appearance of your lawn nice, it helps to try to stay on top of beneficial lawn care practices! Make sure to water your yard enough. Install a sprinkler system, if needed. Keep your grass and garden area free of pests.

This will help with the overall appearance. Once you tamper down your dog’s destructive habits a bit, you’ll have a lovely yard! 

Will grass grow back after dog pee?

Grass will often grow back green and in good condition. However, if a dog frequents a spot, then this area may begin to not grow back as green and healthy as anticipated. 

Help Your Dog Become Less Destructive 

Looking to protect your lawn from your dog today? Your first step is to try to divert their attention to something else. Often, dogs can become destructive outside when they have a lot of energy and want to play. So, give your dog some toys and help them exert all the energy they have!

We can also help! Our doggy day care is a great way for pups to be physically and mentally stimulated! Get more information and make your reservation here!

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